Why is everyone on about Telegram? This is the 21st Century!
If you've not encountered Telegram before, it's a group communications app which has gained a large following in the UK free-flight community. It's where lots of the planning, site reports, banter, etc. happens. Its programmability is why we use it instead of, for example, WhatsApp, e.g. a number of techies have integrated it with an XC Retrieve website, so that when you land out after an XC you simply Telegram your location to the group, and within minutes a Rolls-Royce arrives with a Chauffeur to drive you home, a dedicated Packer to deal with your gear and a Butler serves tea and cucumber sandwiches while you regale all around you with your 'There I was...' tales. Or more likely, within minutes of you landing, you get to see how much further than you someone else has flown while you work out how you're going to get back to your car in order to go and fetch them!
28 December 2024 at 22:54:46
Last Updated:
Chris Lovell