Avon Bash Challenge HG and PG
Open only to pilots who have bought their Bash tickets in advance and attend the Saturday night of the Bash. This includes pilots from any club as long as they are members of BHPA or, if from abroad, have appropriate reciprocal membership deemed acceptable by the BHPA
Flight must be made on the Saturday or the Sunday of the Bash, and be hill launched from an Avon site.
If there is no Bash that year then it may be awarded based around a club social, at the Committee’s discretion.
Open to HG and PG
Longest straight-line distance, with no multipliers applied, where the flight does not infringe airspace (as defined by XCLeague). Minimum flight of 5km
There is no requirement to enter a flight into a recognised league, although if there is any reasonable doubt about airspace infringement then the pilot will be asked to provide a valid tracklog. If this cannot be provided then the flight will not be considered
If no flights from Avon sites are made that weekend (or the minimum distance is not achieved) then XC (of more than the minimum distance) from any UK site will be considered.
The award will not roll over if no qualifying flights are made, in which case no trophy will be awarded that year