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Security In Flight

Date: 10/04/2009
Author: Ben Friedland
Position: Librarian
Contributor: Ben Friedland
Jocky takes you through the typical manoeuvres you would experience on an SIV course: Wing Overs, Big Ears, B Line, Spin, Spiral Dive, Reserve Deployment, Stall, Symmetric and Asymmetric Tucks. Slightly less material than "Instability 2" its counterpart, but better presented. Performance flying might be better, having split screens, but is intended for more advanced pilots.I've heard criticism of the music, which could make the viewer nervous. Its "Nightmare" by "Brainbug" - nice.30 mins. 1997.

We've had some good feedback already about this section - thanks! The more eagle-eyed will note that I've done some more work on it too. If you have any articles you'd like us to include, please email them to me.